Finance Committee Vacancy
The Town of Middleton is seeking Town of Middleton residents with education and/or experience in accounting and finance, and an interest in learning more about Town financial matters, to serve on its’ Finance Committee. There is currently one vacancy on the Finance Committee with an initial term expiring on June 30, 2027. For more information click HERE.
Nomination Procedure for Running for Town Offices
Candidates for local office in the Town of Middleton can begin circulating Nomination Papers on December 1, 2024 for the 2025 Spring Election.
In 2025, the Town Chair and two (2) Town Supervisor terms will be open. Residents of the Town that are interested in running for one of those seats should contact Town Clerk Barb Roesslein at (608) 833-2706 or to obtain a Candidate Packet and information on the procedure.
The candidate can then begin collecting signatures of qualified electors beginning December 1, 2024. Candidates need to obtain at least 20 signatures of qualified electors and no more than 100. Please keep in mind that the Circulator of the Nomination Papers must personally present the Nomination Paper to each signer. Since Town Supervisors are elected "at-large", a citizen of the Town could sign Nomination Papers for no more than two different candidates for Supervisor.
In order to be placed on the ballot, the Nomination Papers, Campaign Registration Statement and Declaration of Candidacy must then be filed with the Town Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on January 7, 2025. Once received, the Nomination Papers will be reviewed for sufficiency.
Negotiations with the City of Middleton for a Boundary Plan & Agreement
The Town Board of the Town of Middleton and the City of Middleton Common Council Negotiation Committee for Cooperative Plan with Town of Middleton begun the negotiation process for a Boundary Plan & Agreement on August 22, 2024. For information related to the negotiations, which includes agenda/minutes and documents click HERE.
Morey Airport Updates
Towns of Middleton and Springfield Letter to City of Middleton regarding zoning hearing 11/14/2023
US EPA Final Endangerment Finding for Leaded Avgas
City of Middleton proposed new zoning ordinance with respect to the proposed new Airport Zoning District (proposed section 10.02.53) and proposed new text of the Airport Height Limit Overlay Zoning District (proposed section 10.02.83) may be view HERE.
The FAA wants to hear from you regarding aircraft overflight noise by 9/29/23
The Town of Middleton electronically submitted its comments to the FAA on 9/6/23. The Town's comments on Docket Number FAA-2023-0855 (this docket number must be referenced on all comments) are available below:
Town of Middleton Comments on FAA-2023-0855
City of Middleton Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Town 3-Mile Radius
Reporting Health Concerns or Problems Caused by
Environmental Lead Exposure
To report or discuss concerns regarding adverse health effects from exposure to airborne, leaded aviation gas emissions from Morey Airport aircraft overflights, please contact:
Public Health Madison & Dane County, Environmental Health Phone Number: 608/242-6515
There is no safe level of lead in humans, particularly children with developing brains:
Morey Airport produces 32% of airborne lead emissions in Dane County. Dane County has the second highest airborne lead emissions of all 72 counties in Wisconsin (WI DNR).
Primary prevention is key. Breathable airborne lead is one of the most dangerous ways to be exposed to lead. "...[The body absorbs higher levels of lead when it is breathed-in. Within our bodies, lead is absorbed and stored in our bones, blood, and tissues. It does not stay there permanently, rather it is stored there as a source of continual internal exposure."
Miranda Study:
Zahran Study and Related Information:
City of Middleton Morey Airport Master Plan documents can be found here
Environmental Setting
Appendix H
Runway 10/28 alternatives
Runway 01/19 alternatives
Hangar development alternatives
How to Report Morey Airport Airplane Noise, Low Altitude and Overflight Concerns
You can report concerns about the City of Middleton, Morey Airport Airplane or Helicopter Noise, Low Altitude, Overflights or other Safety Concerns by calling (608) 836-6473 or by reporting your concerns online here.
Resident Info
No Yard Waste In Trash Carts
We have been notified by Pellitteri (Town Refuse & Recycling Service Hauler) that residents have been placing yard waste (leaves and grass clippings) in their trash carts. Please note ONLY household trash can be put in your trash cart. DO NOT place any recyclables, brush/leaves, construction materials, demolition, electronics or hazardous materials in your cart.
The Town has a seasonal Yard Waste Program allowing TOWN RESIDENTS to drop off compostable material. The drop off location is behind the Town Hall and is accessed from Pioneer Road, please follow the posted instructions. Commercial landscapers working at Town residences are responsible for disposal under their normal business terms and are NOT eligible to drop off material at the Town site.
- Flower trimmings
- Leaves
- Grass
- *Weeds (non-invasive and non-noxious)
- Wood chips, plants, non woody hedge & shrub prunings, sod, and other easily raked yard waste
*The only exception is “Invasive plant species” (or “noxious weeds”). You must place invasive plant species in a clear or black garbage bags and LABELED "invasive plants approved by DNR for landfilling", then it may be placed in the trash cart for disposal. This is the only type of yard waste that may be placed in the trash carts. Common invasive plant species include garlic mustard, honeysuckle, purple loosestrife, buckthorn and more.
For additional information please click HERE.
Important Reminders from Pellitteri
Tipped Over Carts: We are experiencing a high volume of carts being tipped over prior to our trucks arriving. Drivers are not able to collect carts that are knocked over and cannot get out at every stop to upright them. If you can, please set the carts upright prior to our arrival so they can be serviced.Cart Placement: To help with plowing efforts and help prevent tipped over carts, please place your carts on the terrace or in your driveway, not in the road, and not on top of snowbanks. You may need to shovel out an area for your carts. Please keep carts 4 feet away from each other and any other obstructions to prevent them from being tipped over during service, or not serviced at all.
Timing: Collection times may be different, either earlier or later than usual. Please make sure your carts are out by your community’s designated time (7 a.m. for Town of Middleton residents).
Notifications: Download the Pellitteri Waste Systems mobile app at for updates on weather delays or cancellations or sign up for email alerts at Future weather updates can also be found at
BRUSH CHIPPING REMINDERS - Brush pick-up is done for the 2024 season
The Town Crew makes a single "clean sweep" pass of the entire Town of Middleton community. Once a neighborhood has been collected, the crew will not return to that area until the next scheduled collection.
Collections will be conducted in the most expedient method possible, but inclement weather and mechanical problems may create delays. Depending on weather and workload, it may take up to a week to complete the Town chipping rotation.
Safety of the crew is always a top concern. Click HERE for more information regarding brush chipping.