Can I view my property tax on-line?
Your property tax information can be viewed on line at AccessDane, choosing Public Access, selecting Parcel Information, then making the search by name, address or parcel number. Once the property information has been reached, midway down the right side of the page is a link to Show Tax Information Details which will display an electronic version of the property tax form.
Hint: If searching by address, enter only the street address number and the street name. The street type (Rd vs Road, Ct vs Court) may be coded as an abbreviation OR spelled out. If entered and not matched, it will give a false 'not found' message. Only the two fields listed above are needed to complete your search for a Dane County address in AccessDane.
Hint: If searching by address, enter only the street address number and the street name. The street type (Rd vs Road, Ct vs Court) may be coded as an abbreviation OR spelled out. If entered and not matched, it will give a false 'not found' message. Only the two fields listed above are needed to complete your search for a Dane County address in AccessDane.