Assessment Challenges

Challenges to assessement can be due to the property value being perceived as too high or too low relative to comparable properties.  Assessment challenges have a specific pattern that is outlined by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.  Enter the search word 'assessment' to find the most up-to-date Property Asessment Appeal Guide.

In a nutshell, the appeal process starts with a meeting with the Assessor who is responsible for assigning property values in your area.  You will need to bring comparable property values that you researched in determining the proposed adjustment to your property value or alternate assessments by a qualified assessor.  If not satisfied with the discussion with the Assessor, the next step is to appeal to the Town Board of Review.  The Board of Review meeting is held annually, normally in the spring of the year.  The date of the meeting is published in the Town newsletter and in other authorized locations.  If not satisfied with the outcome of the Board of Review meeting, the next step is to either appeal to the Department of Revenue or to bring the matter before a Circuit Court.  At each step, the person(s) challenging the assessment need to have documentation that supports their position that the value of their property needs to be adjusted.

The above summary is too brief to cover all aspects and forms required during the appeal process.  If you have questions, contact the Assessor about the discussion phase, the Town Administrator about Board of Review process, or the Department of Revenue about steps beyond the Board of Review.