City of Middleton Municipal Airport - Morey Field Updates

 Other Information Regarding Morey Airport

Reporting Health Concerns or Problems Caused by Environmental Lead Exposure 

To report or discuss concerns regarding adverse health effects from exposure to airborne, leaded aviation gas emissions from Morey Airport aircraft overflights, please contact: 


Public Health Madison & Dane County, Environmental Health Phone Number: 608/242-6515 


There is no safe level of lead in humans, particularly children with developing brains.   

Morey Airport produces 32% of airborne lead emissions in Dane County.  Dane County has the second highest airborne lead emissions of all 72 counties in Wisconsin (WI DNR). 

Primary prevention is key.  Breathable airborne lead is one of the most dangerous ways to be exposed to lead.  "...[T[he body absorbs higher levels of lead when it is breathed-in.  Within our bodies, lead is absorbed and stored in our bones, blood, and tissues. It does not stay there permanently, rather it is stored there as a source of continual internal exposure." 


Miranda Study: 

Zahran Study and Related Information:; 


EPA Document - Morey Airport Air Pollution Emissions 


Last updated 12/19/2024