Garbage & Recycling

 Pellitteri Waste Systems is the Town of Middleton's Garbage/Recycling contractor. Please see the Town of Middleton page at the Pellitteri website for more information.


Trash & Recycling Calendars

 (North of Old Sauk Rd.)

 (South of Old Sauk Rd, North of Valley View Rd.)

 (South of Valley View Rd.)


Christmas Tree Pick-up

weeks of 1/8/2024  & 1/22/2024  2/5/2024 - New pick-up date due to the extraordinary snowfalls over the last two weeks. 

Please have your tree out to the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, stump facing road, with all lights and decorations removed.
Important Reminders from Pellitteri
  • Tipped Over Carts: We are experiencing a high volume of carts being tipped over prior to our trucks arriving. Drivers are not able to collect carts that are knocked over and cannot get out at every stop to upright them. If you can, please set the carts upright prior to our arrival so they can be serviced.
  • Cart Placement: To help with plowing efforts and help prevent tipped over carts, please place your carts on the terrace or in your driveway, not in the road, and not on top of snowbanks. You may need to shovel out an area for your carts. Please keep carts 4 feet away from each other and any other obstructions to prevent them from being tipped over during service, or not serviced at all.
  • Timing: Collection times may be different, either earlier or later than usual. Please make sure your carts are out by your community’s designated time (7 a.m. for Town of Middleton residents).
  • Notifications: Download the Pellitteri Waste Systems mobile app at for updates on weather delays or cancellations or sign up for email alerts at Future weather updates can also be found at
Pellitteri: 608-257-4285
Dane County Landfill: 608-838-9555
  • The Town contracts with Pellitteri Waste Systems for curbside collection of residential garbage and recyclables every week.
  • Scheduled collection dates are:
    • Tuesday - north of Old Sauk Road
    • Wednesday - south of Old Sauk Road and north of Valley View Road
    • Thursday - south of Valley View Road
  • Receptacles should be curbside by 7 am.
  • If you need a new cart, have issues with your cart, or if you wish to swap out for a different sized cart, call Pellitteri customer service at 608-257-4285. Please mention that you are a Town of Middleton resident under the Town of Middleton account.
    • Garbage and Recycling Carts are available in 65 or 95 gallon sizes
    • If you are a new resident or moving within the Town of Middleton, please contact Town Staff directly to setup service
  • If you have questions about what Pellitteri will or will not pick up, please feel free to call them directly at 608-257-4285 or visit their website.
  • Dane County Recycling





 Individual Large Item Pickup

Pellitteri can be contacted at (608)257-4285. Please mention that you are a Town of Middleton resident under the Town of Middleton account. Pellitteri will advise what the cost is and arrange for a pick-up date.

  Dane County Clean Sweep - Household Hazardous Materials


The Dane County Clean Sweep Facility is located at the landfill site and operates year round.  The facility accepts hazardous chemicals and electronics from Dane County residents.  Clean Sweep also accepts hazardous chemicals from businesses  and farms.

For information of the facility visit their website at:


What is Clean Sweep?

Clean Sweep is a place to bring hazardous household materials such as Oil-Based Paints and Paint-Related Products, Pesticides & Poisons, Household Products Containing Organic Solvents, Ignitable, Aerosols, and Rechargeable Batteries.

Why Clean Sweep?

By providing the public with an opportunity to safely dispose of such hazardous products, we keep these products out of landfills and lower the environmental risks associated with such improper disposal. The payoff is a cleaner, healthier environment.

  Dane County Landfill

Click the link above to be directed to further information about acceptable items and associated fees.


7102 US Hwy 12, Madison WI 53718

(Beltline/12/18 East toward Cambridge) - Located across from the Yahara Hills Golf Course


(608) 838-9555


Dane County Special Projects and Material Manager:  266-4990


 Miscellaneous Item Pickup and Additional Resources



Kruser Recycling, 2601 Seiferth Rd, 223-9220 hours after 3:30pm.
"Guy-Girl and a Truck"-  (PC Equipment, Appliances and more)

Bulk Pick-up - Pellitteri Waste Systems

Barrels/Drums All Metal Recycling, 1802 S. Park St., 255-0960.(Also takes other metals including some appliances.)
Electronics Recycling

E-cycle--Wisconsin DNR

Most on this list take many other recyclables as well.

TV - Computers Computer Reuse and Recycling Opportunities 
"Guy-Girl and a Truck"-  (PC Equipment, Appliances and more)
Concrete and Asphalt Construction and Demolition Recycling
Fluorescent Lamps Disposal Options for Fluorescent Lamps and Ballasts
Household Hazardous Waste & Paint Dane County Clean Sweep, 7102 USH 12 & 18, Madison, at the Dane County Landfill, 838-3212.

Metal Recyclers - Including some that take appliances, batteries, motors, and car parts.

Medication Disposal


Other Recyclables

Miscellaneous Recycling Links

Waste and Recycling Resources


 Chipping Brush & Small Limb Pick-up

Chipping Brush and Small Limb Pick-up will begin the week of April 8, 2024 ( runs every two weeks) through October 14, 2024. See schedule below for exact dates.  

If you would like to dispose of your branches before April, the Dane County Landfill will accept clean branches (no leaves, grasses, garden debris, or weeds). For additional information, please see their website at:


Brush must be curbside by 7:00 a.m. of the Monday start date of the chipping schedule.

Chipping is limited to 15 minutes for each residence

   Did you receive an orange or red tag?



NOTE: The Town does not pick up branches that were

  • Produced by tree services.
  • Result from the development of residential lots.
  • Originate from any business, farm, or forest management.
  • Clearing of wooded areas on a residential lot. 
  • Town Crew has discretion to determine what they have the ability to chip.


 ACCEPTABLE for pick-up:

  • Metal-free brush and wood material
  • Brush stacked with cut ends facing the road
  • Brush placed in SMALL, separated piles to allow pick-up without entanglement along the road
  • Brush and tree limbs up to 6 inches in diameter

  • Long tree limbs are better since it reduces labor

  • Brush and limbs cut by residents pruning their own trees

  • Undersized twigs placed in paper bags, a garbage can, or a tote














NOT acceptable for pick-up:

  • Tree limbs larger than 6 inches in diameter
  • Limbs from removal of whole tree
  • Root balls and brush mixed with soil

  • Yard waste (including, but not limited to pet waste)

  • Commercially cut brush (Must be disposed of by the contractor)

  • Brush containing nails, wire, etc.

  • Poorly positioned and/or entangled tree limbs

  • Plastic bags
  • Anything not listed as acceptable








Warning Tag (Orange)            Notice of Non-collection (Red)  






Once a neighborhood has been collected, the crew will not return to that area until the next scheduled collection.

Due to varying conditions, specific collection days of the week cannot be projected for each neighborhood.

Materials are not collected in one day. Collections will be conducted in the most expedient method possible, but inclement weather and mechanical problems may create delays.

Collections are generally completed within one week.

Items will ONLY be considered missed and rescheduled if they were set out by 7:00 a.m. of the Monday start date of the chipping schedule.  


2024 Chipping Schedule

Week of: 

April 8 

April 22

May 6

May 20

June 3

June 17

July 1

July 15

July 29

August 12

 August 26

September 9

 September 23

October 14




 Mulch Delivery Information

Free Wood Chips/Mulch Available: 

Chipped materials are available for delivery by full-load (approximately six cubic yards) - Wood Chip Delivery Waiver Form

Wood chips are also available for pickup behind the Town Hall. 



 Composting Resources

Under Wisconsin law, yard materials including leaves, grass clippings and small pieces of brush/branches are prohibited from disposal in landfills. Composting at home is a great way to manage your yard waste and household food items. There are many resources available to help you compost at home and the finished material is a great source of microorganisms and nutrients for your lawn and gardens.  Benefits of using compost include:

  • Restoring or enhancing the ability of sandy soil to hold moisture and clay soils to drain
  • Repairing or preventing damage caused by erosion
  • Aiding plant growth – e.g., in residential gardens, public landscapes, or after construction and mining projects are completed

 Resources to help get started composting leaves, grass clippings, and yards waste in your backyard:

 Compost Shed at the Town Hall - Yard Waste Dropoff

Seasonal Yard Waste Drop Off Instructions: 

  • The Town has a seasonal Yard Waste Program allowing TOWN RESIDENTS to drop off compostable material.  

  • The drop off location is behind the Town Hall and is accessed from Pioneer Road, please follow the posted instructions. 

  • Shed availability may vary slightly year to year based on final snow melt and first snow accumulation. Generally, the drop off site is in operation by April 1st and closes on December 1st.

  • Commercial landscapers working at Town residences are responsible for disposal under their normal business terms and are NOT eligible to drop off material at the Town site.



Not Accepted:

Please Leave Compost Only!
No Bags!

Flower trimmings

Food Scraps


Animal Waste


Trash of any kind

 Weeds (non-invasive and non-noxious)


Wood chips, plants, non-woody hedge & shrub prunings, sod and other easily raked yard waste. 

Woody materials (Small woody material such as twigs can be placed in paper bags and set roadside for chipping service


 Leaf Cleanup Information

Under Wisconsin law, yard materials including leaves, grass clippings and small pieces of brush/branches are prohibited from disposal in landfills.
  • HOW TO MULCH LEAVES ON YOUR LAWN - It is important that you use your mower to mulch leaves into your lawn. Mowers cut leaves into small pieces, allowing them to fall into and beneath the grass canopy instead of resting upon it. This process results in increased surface area, which in turn makes it easier for insects and microbes to consume the leaves and get the nutrients back into the soil.

  • MAKE LEAVE MULCHLeaves make great mulch and winter ground cover for gardens and around shrubs and trees. And, they are free. Shred your leaves and pile them on top of your annual garden or around perennial plants and shrubs. This will help insulate plants and protect them from winter freeze damage. In the spring, you can till the leaves into your garden.
    Since large leaves get wet and mat down they provide poor insulation it is important that you shred your leaves first. The best way to do that is to run over them with your lawn mower.
  • MAKE LEAVE COMPOSTWhen you compost leaves you should be sure to add some nitrogen rich material to the pile to help the leaves (which are high in carbon) break down. Grass clippings are an excellent source of nitrogen as are fruit and vegetable scraps. You can also speed up the composting process by chopping up your leaves with a lawn mower or garden chipper.
    Veteran composters like to keep a few bags of leaves from the fall to add to their compost piles throughout the year. Leaves keep well in plastic bags and it is a great way to get more compost from your bin.
  • If you decide to hire a leaf removal service please inform them that they cannot leave piles of leaves covering the road, they must be picked up from the road the day they cleanup your yard. 

  • Keep fallen leaves out of the ditches, watershed areas, and public areas  - i.e. land adjoining parks, road right of way, trails, or easements.  THIS IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE DISPOSAL STRATEGY. 


Ripple Effects - Protect Dane County Lakes, Rivers and Streams

Managing Leaves and Yard Trimmings - University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

 Burning Information

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) generally bans all open burning, but small amounts of dry leaves and plant clippings are an exception.  The burning of these small amounts of material must be done under favorable wind and weather conditions and conform with the local Town of Middleton Burning Ordinance and the Middleton Fire Department and Fire Regulations

  • Before burning any leaves please read and be aware of the the Town's Burning Ordinance
  • Leaf burning is prohibited on Saturdays (except as noted), Sundays, and the following federal holidays as observed:

    • New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  
  • Leaf burning on Saturdays is limited to the first and third Saturdays in October, November and December.
  • Leaf burning is only permitted between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM. The fire must be fully extinguished by 3:30 PM. 

  • DO NOT let your fire smolder.  

  • Keep in mind leaf burning leads to air pollution, health hazards, and the smoke is a nuisance to neighbors in our community.

  • As recommended by the Town, it is always better to use one of the alternative disposal methods listed above.


 Noxious Weeds / Invasive Species / Road Rights-of-Way

Noxious Weeds are not allowed in the compost area nor to be left roadside for chipping. Please note:  Noxious weeds may be disposed of in your garbage cart. As required by Dane County Landfill, invasive weeds have to be bagged in clear bags and labeled "invasive plants approved by DNR for landfilling". 

Should you have more bags than fit in your garbage cart, you can call Pellitteri to schedule a pick-up. You would still need to bag in clear bags and label "invasive plants approved by DNR for landfilling". The bags must be no heavier than 50 lbs and not larger than 32 gallons. The fee for 2023 is $3.06 per bag, which you would pay directly to Pellitteri.


Learn more about Noxious Weeds 

Garlic Mustard 

Garlic Mustard Lookalikes

Invasive Species Issues & Honeysuckle ID and Control

DATCP Pesticides and Fertilizers: Certification and Licensing

Wisconsin Council on Forestry Links:

State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Links: