Negotiations with the City of Middleton

On 2/22/24, the Town Board of the Town of Middleton adopted Resolution 20240222-1 declaring the intent to participate in the preparation of a Cooperative Boundary Plan with the City of Middleton under Wis. Stats. section 66.0307. 

The current Town of Middleton ("Town") and City of Middleton ("City") Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA") expired on 5/12/24.  By mutual agreement, however, this IGA was extended for an additional year in order to give the parties time to meet to discuss entering into a possible new long-term IGA. 

On 8/22/24, the first joint Town/City meeting was held at the Town of Middleton Town Hall with the Town Board and the City of Middleton three-member Common Council Negotiation Committee for Cooperative Plan to begin the negotiation process.  The second IGA meeting with be on Wednesday, 9/25/24, at 4 pm, at the City of Middleton, City Hall.  The location of the upcoming meetings will alternate between the Town Hall and City Hall with the third IGA Meeting, yet to be scheduled, to be held at the Town Hall.